Quickstart ========== Suppose you have a PROJ string that marks a projection (let this be ``proj=eqc`` in this example -- not good, but illustrative) and suppose that you have a set of longitude and latitude coordinates that you want to plot. For the sake of this quick introduction, create some random data: .. code:: python import numpy as np rng = np.random.default_rng(1234) lon = 45.0 + 20.0 * rng.random(10) lat = 10.0 + 0.2 * (lon - 45.0) + 5 * rng.random(10) A very simple scatter plot of these data using *flottekarte* could be .. code:: python from pyproj import Proj import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from flottekarte import Map fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) proj = Proj("proj=eqc") mp = Map.for_data(lon, lat, "proj=eqc", ax) ax.scatter(*proj(lon, lat)) mp.plot_axes(5.0) mp.plot_grid(5.0) which results in a map like this: .. figure:: quickstart-map.svg :scale: 13 % :alt: Map of the random data