Scientific Background


If you are looking for an analysis of the log-normal distribution, you might likely want to check out the R package BayesLN by Gardini, Fabrizi, and Trivisano. Their conjugate prior is more sophisticated than the flat prior of pybalonor, and, from limited analysis, seems to lead to tighter posterior bounds.

If instead you are looking for an analysis based on a flat prior, looking for a Python solution, or working with a large data set, go ahead!

Details about the maths of pybalonor that go beyond this doc page are given in [Z2023].

Bayesian Analysis of the Log-Normal Distribution with a Flat Prior

Performing a Bayesian analysis of log-normally distributed data requires care in the prior choice to yield posterior predictive distributions with finite moments (e.g. [F2012]).

This package uses a simple uniform prior

\[\phi(l_0, l_1 \,|\, l_0^\text{min}, l_0^\text{max}, l_1^\text{min}, l_1^\text{max}) = \frac{1}{(l_0^\text{max} - l_0^\text{min}) (l_1^\text{max} - l_1^\text{min})}\]

for the log-location parameter \(l_0\) and log-variance parameter \(l_1\) of the log-normal distribution

\[p\big(x\,|\, l_0, l_1 \big) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi} l_1 x } \exp\!\left(-\frac{\big(\ln x - l_0\big)^2}{2 l_1^2}\right)\]

within the bounds

\[l_0^\text{min}>0\,, \quad l_0^\text{max}>l_0^\text{min},\quad l_1^\text{min}>0\,,\quad \text{and} \quad l_1^\text{max}>l_1^\text{min}\,.\]

The problem of normalizing the posterior of the mean is solved by imposing a finite upper bound on the log-variance parameter. The prior is represented by the FlatPrior class.

The pybalonor package allows to compute a number of posterior distributions given a sample

\[\mathcal{N} = \{x_i \,|\, i = 1..n\}\,.\]

The computation of these posterior quantities are performed using the Posterior class. Objects of this class are intialized with a prior and a sample, and they represent the frozen posterior state given the prior and evidence.

Posterior Distribution

The posterior distribution of the parameters \(l_0\) and \(l_1\) is

\[p\big(l_0, l_1 \,|\,\mathcal{N}\big) \sim \mathcal{L}\big(l_0, l_1\,|\, \mathcal{N}\big)\]


\[\mathcal{L}\big(l_0, l_1 \,|\, \mathcal{N}\big) = \phi(l_0, l_1)\prod\limits_{i=1}^n \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi l_1 x_i}} \exp\!\left(-\frac{\big(\ln x_i - l_0\big)^2}{2 l_1^2} \right)\]

is the likelihood of \(l_0\) and \(l_1\) given the evidence \(\mathcal{N}\) and prior \(\phi\). Details about the computation of the normalization constant for \(p\big(l_0, l_1 \,|\,\mathcal{N}\big)\) are given in [Z2023].

Posterior Predictive Distribution

The posterior predictive distribution \(p\big(x\,|\,\mathcal{N}\big)\) gives the posterior probability density of the random variable \(X\) given a sample \(\mathcal{N}\). It is computed using the posterior density of \(l_0\) and \(l_1\):

\[p\big(x\,|\,\mathcal{N}\big) = \int\limits_{l_0^\text{min}}^{l_0^\text{max}}\!\!\!\mathrm{d}l_0\!\! \int\limits_{l_1^\text{min}}^{l_1^\text{max}}\!\!\!\mathrm{d}l_1\; p\big(x\,|\,l_0, l_1\big) p\big(l_0, l_1\,|\,\mathcal{N}\big)\,.\]

Details about the computation are given in [Z2023].

Posterior Distribution of the Mean

The mean of the log-normal distribution \(p\big(x\,|\,l_0, l_1\big)\) parameterized by \(l_0\) and \(l_1\) is

\[\mu = \exp\!\left(l_0 + \frac{1}{2}l_1^2\right)\,.\]

The posterior distribution of \(\mu\) given a sample \(\mathcal{N}\) follows by accumulating all posterior mass \(p\big(l_0,l_1\,|\,\mathcal{N}\big)\) for those parameters \(l_0\) and \(l_1\) that amount to \(\mu\). This amounts to computing \(p(\mu)\) so that

\[p(\mu\,|\,\mathcal{N})\mathrm{d}\mu = \!\!\iint\limits_{A(\mu,\mathrm{d}\mu)} \!\!\mathrm{d}l_0\, \mathrm{d}l_1\; p(l_0, l_1\,|\,\mathcal{N})\,,\]

where \(A(\mu,\mathrm{d}\mu)\) is the subset of the \((l_0,l_1)\) parameter space in which the distribution mean is in the interval \([\mu,\mu+\mathrm{d}\mu]\). Details about the computation are given in [Z2023].



Fabrizi, E. & Trivisano, C. (2012). Bayesian Estimation of Log-Normal Means with Finite Quadratic Expected Loss. Bayesian Analysis 7(4), 975-996.


Ziebarth, Malte J. (2023). Bayesian Analysis of the Log-Normal Distribution with a Flat Prior: The pybalonor package.